DESCRIPTION: For writers with finished screenplays, teleplays, and stage plays, including short format. Currently, Jones does not offer full manuscript coverage, but offers his STORY BUILDING service for novelists structuring their books.
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: Reference the FEE GUIDE below. There are many choices and options. Then, send an email to or click here.
"Working with Adam Jones is a pleasure. After every session, I find that my imagination has been broadened and I am eager to rush back to work. He not only makes my writing better; he makes me a better writer." – Jonathan (New York)
"Adam saved me, a damsel-in-structural-distress. With the ingenious fail-safe structure-boards he developed, my script finally found its right foundation. Also astounding was how he enveloped the world and mind of my characters, fully bringing their points of view and feelings to life. Adam’s heart-felt instruction made a script I worked on for years in better shape than it ever was.” – Carmit (Israel)
DIAGNOSTICS REPORT -- a 3 to 5 page coverage report detailing where your story could use some tuning up, especially in terms of structure and story arcs. Think of it like a diagnostics report you'd get from a mechanic for your car. If you decide to continue with an ongoing STORY BUILD, these would be the areas of focus for an improved next draft.
MARGIN NOTES -- Notations in the margins of your script, mostly focused on scene beats, character choices, formatting, and suggested cuts. Margin notes are particularly helpful in latter drafts when refined details such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and editing are the focus, but are useful at any stage from draft 1 to 10 (or however many drafts you write).
ZOOM OR PHONE CALL -- Discussion is an important part of the process. Ranging anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, this allows for you to ask any questions about notes and feedback and for Jones to ask you questions that can help you find solutions and mine the gems in your story. Generally, these are phone calls. Zoom calls are used primarily for structure boards in STORY BUILDING or for ease with international clients.
FEATURE SCREENPLAYS (from 90-120 pages)
* Diagnostics Report = $300
* 90-minute Zoom or phone call, no written report = $300
* Margin Notes = $300
* Diagnostic Report + 60-min. Zoom/call = $400
* Margin Notes + 60-min. Zoom/call = $400
* Report + Margin Notes = $500
* EVERYTHING (Diagnostics Report + Margin Notes + 90-min. Zoom/call) = $600
* Rush option – One week turnaround = $750
A $3 per page additional charge for scripts over 120 pages.
HOUR-LONG TELEPLAYS (from 45-60 pages)
* Diagnostics Report = $200
* 90-minute Zoom or phone call, no written report = $200
* Margin Notes = $200
* Diagnostic Report + 60-min. Zoom/call = $300
* Margin Notes + 60-min. Zoom/call = $300
* Diagnostics Report + Margin Notes = $400
* EVERYTHING (Diagnostics Report + Margin Notes + 90-min. Zoom/call) = $550
* Rush option – One week turnaround = $650
* Diagnostics Report = $150
* 90-min. Zoom or phone call, no written report = $150
* Margin Notes = $150
* Diagnostic Report + 60-min. Zoom/call = $200
* Margin Notes + 60-min. Zoom/call = $200
* Diagnostics Report + Margin Notes = $250
* EVERYTHING (Diagnostics Report + Margin Notes + 60-min. Zoom/call) = $300
* Rush option – One week turnaround = $550
Consultation services are also available to directors and actors looking to breakdown scripts into beats and super objectives and to producers and production companies looking to refine the stories in their slate. For fees, go to STORY BUILDING.
To make an appointment, click here.
To get to know Docta Jones, listen to the Storyosophy podcast.