DESCRIPTION:  Hourly consulting and ongoing assistance for writers. Much like how you schedule time with a masseuse or therapist to work things out, Jones offers a personal walk-through to talk your story out one-on-one.  Whether you are an experienced writer looking for a stimulating conversation or a new storyteller unsure of where to start, get those ideas out of your head and onto the page.

Let Jones guide you through your story, helping you focus your ideas, mine your hidden gems, and make sure the story you want to tell is communicated clearly on the page.  He'll ask questions and assist in plugging your answers and ideas into the right places of an overall structure with you.

For all finished screenplays, teleplays, and stage plays, including short format, Jones offers SCRIPT COVERAGE.

HOW TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT:  Reference the FEE GUIDE below.  Then, send an email to or click here.


"Adam Jones embodies the craft of writing.  I came to Adam with an idea and a few characteristics that had evolved in my head for years. He eloquently pulled a well-developed character from my brain in less than an hour. In no time I had not only a children’s book, but also several ideas for a series. He helped me to create fluency in my writing and creating by providing a personal, emotional approach and the patience to work at my pace. ” Heather (Maryland)

“Best advice I’ve ever received! You took my story from a vague idea and turned it into a tangible script in my hands. Thank you for your genius ideas and inspiration.” Youssef (London)



30-for-30 Special:  Jones offers a special, one-time introductory phone call at $30 for 30 minutes to give you some initial advice and determine compatibility for further sessions.

Hourly Rate:  $80

5-for-4 Bundle: Retain 4-hour long sessions, get a 5th session free - $300

Production Companies:  Negotiated per project.


Consultation services are also available to directors and actors looking to breakdown scripts into beats and super objectives and to producers and production companies looking to refine the stories in their slate.

To ask about an appointment, click here.

To get to know Docta Jones, listen to the Storyosophy podcast.